Dr. Gretchen has partnered with Fullscript, a virtual supplement dispensary, to manage supplement inventory and delivery on her behalf. This enables her to provide you a safe source to order medical grade supplements. Dr. Gretchen does receive a small commision on products sold. You are under no obligation to purchase your supplements from Fullscript, you may purchase them elsewhere and your care from Dr. Gretchen will not be affected by your decision to purchase or not purchase supplements from her fullscript dispensary. If you purchase them elsewhere, she recommends purchasing from a reputable source, as supplement quality can vary widely.
Dr. Gretchen loves Maddie's Madfit Work Outs. You can sign up for the MAdfit app or you can find Madfit workouts on YouTube. There are several equipment free workouts that you can fit in when you have an extra 10-20 mintues.
Here are the top 12 fruits and vegetables that you should always buy organic.
Here are the top 15 fruits and vegetables that use the least toxic chemicals when not grown organic.
Make sure the skin care products you use on you and your family are safe!